
1 Bewertung


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Restaurant: The Red Koi Thai

My partner & I have been disappointed with this place lately. We have been going there regularly for 3 years. The last few months there have been ingredients missing from dishes, food has been overcooked, or has tasted old. The one time my husband mentioned that there were ingredients missing, the waitress shrugged and said nothing.

Tonight we went there for dinner, and I ordered the green curry (I usually order the red or green curry with tofu). It was so salty that I couldn't finish the second bite. I told the waitstaff about this and asked to send it back. Another one was brought out that tasted exactly the same. Third time, same thing. I told her I couldn't eat it and we asked for the check.

The waitress charged us for the dish, and proceeded to argue with me when I told her that it was unfair to charge someone for food that wasn't edible. She was visibly angry and said that the dish tasted fine.

I found this experience upsetting: if a restaurant is serving inconsistent/bad food, a customer should not have to argue with the waitstaff and get charged for a meal they could not eat. I will not be going there anymore.

Erfahrung: À la carte Preis: 17€ Hinzugefügt: 14.03.2019
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