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Ravintola Pizzeria Aria

Betyg 1.5 / 5

Recensioner (7)

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Myself and my fiancee had the worst experience we have ever had in a pizza restaurant in Aria today, and I am still fuming about how poorly we were treated.... We ordered a pizza to share, and a portion of fries. The pizza came, and we were eating the salad too, and it wasn't until we were finishing that we realised they had forgotten to bring our fries.

We were both really full by that point, and as french fries don't keep so well, we asked the guy (who had been consistently rude and unfriendly from the beginning) nicely if we could just get the money back from the fries, seeing as they forgot to give us them, and we wouldn't be able to eat them anymore...And his reaction was totally unprofessional, there wasn't a hint of apology, he started to act as if we were being totally unreasonable... and even tried to imply we were trying to trick them, even after he had checked that he did write down the order and charge us the correct amount.

He refused to give us any money back, and didn't even seem think about saying sorry for forgetting the fries in the first place. and despite us explaining that we are full now and don't want them anymore he reluctantly, as if we were causing him some great trouble, went to the kitchen and told us he would bring the fries, instead of giving money back.

This was so ridiculous, and the attitude from the staff member was so rude, that we just left. We are loyal customers, and I think people should support other small independent takeways like this. But because of this guys attitude, we will never return to aria, and make sure to tell our friends and family to avoid it.

This might sound like an overreaction, and I never normally do this kind of thing. But the way he acted with us was just so shocking and inappropriate at the time that it just has to be said.

I hope they learn that being so rude to honest, and normally very easy to please customers just isnt acceptable... and I think they're going to need that 4euros that they effectively stole from us, if they continue to treat their patrons in the same manner.

Upplevelse: À la carte Tillagt: 19.06.2013
Betyg: 0

paska paikka

Upplevelse: À la carte Priset: 199€ Tillagt: 03.05.2013
Betyg: -3

Olisi varmaan pitänyt syödä pitakebab, kun listassa luki uunituore leipä, mutta valitetttavasti otimme hampurilaiset. Hampurilaisen pilaa höttöleipä, josta puuttuu ryhti, maku ja tällä kertaa myös lämpö. Kerroshampurilainen oli parempi kuin kanahampurinen, joka kärsi teollisen-muovisen-metallisen makuisesta currymajoneesista pilaten kaiken. Pihvit ja kanafile ei pelastanut kokonaisuutta.

Upplevelse: À la carte Tillagt: 26.03.2012
Betyg: 0

Vaajakoskella pitserioita hallitsee yksi nimi ja se on Soli

Upplevelse: À la carte Tillagt: 10.11.2011
Betyg: -1

Todella hyvää oli rullakebab sekä kebabranskalaiset.
+Hinta - laatu suhde
+Ruuan määrä
+Salaatti pöytä
+TODELLA maukas rullakebab
-Liikaa kastiketta, epätasaisesti

Upplevelse: À la carte Tillagt: 05.11.2011
Betyg: 0

Kenties valitsin huonosti mutta pizza Paradise ui halvassa rasvassa, jota tippui lautaselle ainakin kaksi ruokalusikallista. Annos tämänlisäksi melko mauton. Salaattivalikoima niukka ja kuiva. Testaan paikan kenties joskus uudestaan.

Pidemmät ja kattavammat arviot blogissani värikkäin kuvin ja tekstein:

Upplevelse: Lunch Priset: 6€ Tillagt: 24.04.2011
Betyg: 0

Suosittelen! Ehdottomasti vaajakosken paras!

Upplevelse: À la carte Tillagt: 11.11.2010
Betyg: -2


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Vaajakoskentie 123 D 5, 40800 Jyväskylä - Route
