
Hotel Astor

Note 3.8 / 5

Bewertungen (3)

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Kaupungin ylivoimaisesti paras brunssi! !!

Erfahrung: Frühstück / Brunch Preis: 15€ Hinzugefügt: 02.10.2012 Vorherige Bewertungen ansehen (2)
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Well, I've heard a lot of good about this place, but found it rather ordinary, perhaps because of my high expectations. Hotel-ish. Still, I must say that I found a lot of good things to eat, though I'm a vegetarian. My meat-eating partner was very positive indeed. Service was professional, quick and polite. It's worth a try!

Erfahrung: Frühstück / Brunch Hinzugefügt: 17.09.2011
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Erfahrung: Frühstück / Brunch Preis: 22€ Hinzugefügt: 12.03.2011
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Asemakatu 6, 65100 Vaasa - Route