Pauly Saal
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If what you want is elegance and serious food, the top spot in Berlin is Pauly Saal, with one menu for two seatings a night.
Tip: there's also a food menu in the startlingly gorgeous bar, including lamb stew, steamed buns, dal and naan, and sticky toffee... (€7-13) Open 18:00 "until late".
À la carte
Arne Anker recommends
Hiramasar Kingfish
pumpkin puntarelle turnip
add Ossetra Imperial caviar 24 Euro
cranberries kohlrabi zatar
add langustine 25 Euro
sheep´s whey radicchio garlic
Salmon trout
rutabaga tarragon pak choi
offal walnut onions
kale celery yuzu
Kaiserschmarren ice cream
plums feuerzangenbowle tagetes
7 Courses 115 Euro
from Blomeyer and Antony
add 17 Euro
Lunch menu
Arne Anker recommends
Hiramasar Kingfish
pumpkin puntarelle turnip
add Ossetra Imperial caviar 24 Euro
cranberries kohlrabi zatar
add langustine 25 Euro
sheep´s whey radicchio garlic
Samon trout
rutabaga tarragon pak choi
offal walnut onions
kale celery yuzu
Kaiserschmarren ice cream
plums feuerzangenbowle tagetes
3 Gänge 69 Euro
4 Gänge 85 Euro
6 Gänge 105 Euro
7 Gänge 115 Euro
People interested in this restaurant (0)
+49 30 33 00 60 70
How are restaurant ratings calculated?
In the early days of Eat, we used raw averages, just like almost every other review site. Over time, we noticed that it isn't fair towards restaurants that have a large number of reviews (such as over 20). No matter how good the restaurant, its average rating would always begin to drop as more reviews rolled in, whereas restaurants with fewer reviews would always have better averages.
Although the amount of reviews should technically increase reliability, it doesn't always work that way in practice. Some reviewers may give higher or lower ratings in order to have a bigger effect on the average rating, and sometimes a restaurant might just have an individual bad day.
We probably could've gotten away with all that without anyone complaining much, but it always bothered us. That's why we asked statisticians for advice, and based on their suggestions, we have developed a better system.
In order to prevent abuse of the system (difficult as though it would be), we've made the decision to not fully disclose the method of calculation. The basic idea is that those reviewers, whose ratings are most in conflict with the majority, have less influence on the calculated ratings than they would otherwise have. We believe that this system is the fairest and most reasonable one, and the "Best restaurants" list now gives restaurants with a larger amount of reviews a fair chance as well.