Kitchen is open

Lekker 61

Pancakes, Lunch, Coffee
Rating 4.5 / 5

Chicken, Pancakes, Salads, Burgers
Lekker 61: ssa tarjoamme erilaisia hollantilaisia pannukakkuja, herkullisia kana-annoksia, erinomaisia hampurilaisia ja salaatteja.
Kaikki tuoreet omasta keittiöstä.
Olemme iloisia voidessamme palvella asiakkaitamme pöydällä ja ateriat ovat puhtaita, luonnollista makua.

Chicken, Pancakes, Salads, Burgers, Coffee, Tea and other delicacies.
At Lekker 61 we offer a variety of Dutch pancakes, options for delicious chicken dishes, excellent burgers and salads.
All fresh from our own kitchen.
We are happy to serve our customers at the table and our meals are pure, with a natural taste.



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Isokatu 61, 90100 Oulu - Route
