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Tukkutorin Kala

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I went many times for lunch and I tried the brunch as well.

This is the highest quality fish you can find in Helsinki area. Most of the fish is fresh and not frozen. Salmon is often fished in Iceland instead of the common one, farmed in Norway. They have their own wooden smoking machine in the back.
Lots of fish in the shop is rarely available elsewhere like octopus, squids, scallops, etc.

This explains why the lunch is one of the highest quality around. Every day there is a catch of the day dish, always prepared in creative ways by the talented chef. In alternative, you can always get a pike burger or the fish soup.
Lunch includes a salad table, also with fish options.
Prices are max 15 euro.
Totally recommended.

Erfahrung: Mittagessen Preis: 15€ Hinzugefügt: 06.05.2019
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Työpajankatu 2b, 00580 Helsinki - Route
010 3113 666
