
1 Bewertung


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Bewertungen (1)

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Restaurant: Sandro Kallio

I didn't have problem with the food. That was good but not excellent.
I had problems with the place and the crowd.
I do not understand that why they do not buy comfortable tables and chairs instead of wooden boxes and why they put so many people at the same time.
I sat on a wooden box without any space for my leg. If I wanted to stand up I had to do a very complex acrobatic movement to avoid hitting people next to me or behind me.
Guys, I really understand you want to earn plenty of money but it is ridiculous.
At the end of brunch my stomach just hurt because of the small place of my body and inconvenient "chair" so I just escaped from the place. :(

And I do not complain that I never got any smile from the staff but just serious faces like prison guards.
For me it is just a food factory and the guest is a small screw in it that's why I would not recommend it.

Erfahrung: Frühstück / Brunch Hinzugefügt: 13.03.2016
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