Serving lunch

M/S Doris, IHA-Lines Oy Helsinki Cruises

Nordic & Fish Sea View
Rating 4.6 / 5

m/s Doris & Doris II are the most popular sea view restaurants in town

Lunch Cruises
Eat the way the locals do, when ever they manage to escape the office…

Discover Nordic cuisine and combine delicious lunch with maritime Helsinki! Choose the famous Nordic Lunch Buffet or à la carte of your choice. Come with friends, colleagues, customers, family, guests…

The menu consists of traditional Nordic specialities and international classics that are all prepared in an authentic ship kitchen on board.

As some 75 % of our guests represent local Helsinki people and business, this is our best guarantee that a Helsinki Lunch Cruise is ideal choice for you as well, with a true sea view from every table.

“The Finnish capital really comes into its own in the warm months, when locals take both to the water—to explore Helsinki’s gorgeous islands…” “Board the jaunty blue-and-white ship Doris for lunch and a sightseeing tour of the archipelago…” (CNN, July 16, 2014)

Several lunch cruises daily, 1 ½ hours
m/s Doris & m/s Doris II
– adult boat ticket 20 €
– the nordic lunch buffet 15 €
– à la carte list, main courses 24-32 €
– three-course menu proposals 38-44 €
– cash or credit card (Visa, Master, OK, Amex, Diners)

4 May – 29 September 2019
– Daily, welcoming & check-in at 11:00, departure 11:30
– Daily, welcoming & check-in at 13:30, departure 14:00

Table reservations
Please book and make your table reservation in advance, especially when arriving with business guests or on your anniversary. The potential last free tables from the door of the ship ½ hour earlier.



Dinner Cruises
m/s Doris & Doris II are the most popular sea view restaurants in town

Dinner Cruise around the city and to the scenic villa areas of eastern archipelago is ideal entertainment for business and pleasure.

Just imagine the pretty villas of Villinki islands, you and your sea view table full of happy people, and the fresh dinner prepared in the authentic ship kitchen – à la carte of your choice, while the sun is setting.

At 19 you can also choose the classic ‘Skärgårdsbord’, cold archipelago buffet in season, either for starter or for a Nordic style summer dinner, popular in Finland and Sweden.

The dinner cruise is very popular entertainment in the working life of Helsinki, for instance on a team building night, in rewarding, HR, or with international guests, or with co-operation partners. In addition, many of our regular guests book the dinner with their friends, family, or spouse, to spend relaxed quality time together, or to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries – with a sea view.

Evening & Sunset Cruise, 1 ½ – 2 ½ hours
m/s Doris & m/s Doris II
– adult boat ticket 20 €
– skärgårdsbord (at 19), archipelago buffet in season 30 €
– à la carte list, main courses 24-32 €
– three-course menu proposals 38-44 €
– cash or credit card (Visa, Master, OK, Amex, Diners)

4 May–29 September 2019
– Monday-Saturday, welcoming & check-in at 16:00, departure 16:30
– Monday-Saturday, welcoming & check-in at 18:30, departure 19:00

A table reservation is highly recommended for all dinner guests.
Please book and make your table reservation in advance.
The potential last free tables from the door of the ship ½ hour earlier.


Customer experience

Child friendly
Special diets

Reviews (5)

Reviews older than 2 years
These reviews don't affect the average

A must for a visitor in Helsinki. Enjoyed the views and specially the buffet with excellent fish.

Experience: À la carte Added: 20.06.2018
Rating: 0

Kävimme työporukalla, ruoan hyvä laatu jopa yllätti, kuha sai erityiskehuja ja jälkkärit. Hieman ahdas pöytä, mutta laivalla oli kiva sitten jaloitella kannella ja ihailla maisemia.

Experience: À la carte Added: 19.06.2018
Rating: 0

Ihana merellinen ravintola! Laivan kokoon nähden monipuolinen ja laadukas buffet josta löytyy jokaiselle jotain. Reitti Helsingin saaristossa on kirsikka kakussa. Suosittelen!

Experience: Lunch Added: 19.06.2018
Rating: 0

Erinomaiset kalat, possupötkön tilalle voisi joskus laittaa jotain muutakin. Laivassa on erityisen aurinkoinen kippari. Edit: kesä 2012. Ei oo enää aurinkoista kipparia.

Experience: Lunch Price: 12€ Added: 03.07.2012
Rating: -1

Lounasbuffet ei kovin monipuolinen tai näyttävä, mutta jokainen löytää itselleen jotain. Lämmin liha ja kasvikset. Kalat ja salaatti kylmänä

Experience: Lunch Price: 11€ Added: 07.04.2011
Rating: 0



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Vanha Kauppahalli, Eteläranta 18, 00130 Helsinki - Route
